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Introduction F01 - Views


  1. What is a view?
  2. What happens to a view?
  3. What can a view do for you?
  4. Useful Links

What is a view?

A view is how you tell our product the processing you require to be done. You create a view in the “workbench” part of our product. It is called a view because the main part of a view is a like a spreadsheet - you define the output fields and the input source and calculations or whatever it is you need done.

What happens to a view?

  1. Workbench creates a view and other informatioin. All this information is called metadata.
  2. Start phase - creates ??
  3. Reference phase - the view reads the relevant files once and creates working files.
  4. Extract phase - reads the working files and creates your results.
  5. Format phase (optional) - may further improve your results.

What can a view do for you?

Anything you need. The usual tasks are:

  1. Access data in reference files. For example, use a customer key to access customer details.
  2. Update files
  3. Create reports
  4. Whatever mainframe processing you require. For example a SQL query can be done in a view.

Useful Links

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